Diversity in Safety Scholarship (Chemours & NSC)

Scholarship Overview: People of color pursing an undergraduate degree at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic Serving Institutions to help jumpstart their safety careers.

Deadline Date: May 19, 2025

Scholarship Details:

National Safety Council (NSC) launched the Diversity in Safety Scholarship, funded by Chemours, to foster diversity and support the emergence of a more inclusive generation of safety professionals.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Freshman attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs)
  2. Students entering as freshman or currently enrolled as a freshman
  3. BIPOC individuals seeking post-secondary education in occupational safety and health technology, industrial hygiene, environmental health and safety, and other STEM and accredited degree programs approved by the NSC Scholarship Advisory Committee

Application Requirements:

  1. Completed Online Application
  2. Essay Questions
  3. One Letter of Recommendation Required

Application Requirements: Essay, Letter(s) of Recommendation

Essay Details:

Your written essays should cover:
• Why did you choose to study safety? (500-word limit)
• How do you plan to impact diversity, equity and inclusion in safety? (500-word limit)
• Why are you the best candidate for this scholarship? (250-word limit)

Award Amount: $5,000

Award Details:

The scholarship provides a $5,000 tuition award renewable for up to four years

Website/URL: https://www.nsc.org/workplace/get-involved/nsc-scholarship-program/chemours-diversity-in-safety-scholarship

Scholarship Manager Information:

Contact Email: customerservice@nsc.org
Additional Contact & Submission Information:

Applicaiton avaliable on this page: https://nsc.submittable.com/submit


Eligibility: Ethnicity/Race
Areas of Study: Biological, Biomedical Studies, & Pre-Med Studies, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Engineering, Health Professions, Public Health & Management, Public Policy & Social Services
Applicant’s Current Education Level: High School Senior, College Student
Location Specific: National
Institution Type: Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Historically Black Colleges/Universities (HBCUs)


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