American Association of University Women (Wilmington Branch)

Scholarship Overview: Graduating female high school senior or adult female who resides in New Castle County seeking to attend college
Application Available: January 23, 2025
Deadline Date: March 8, 2025

Scholarship Details:

Graduating female high school senior or adult female who resides in New Castle County seeking to attend college.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Female residents of New Castle County, DE
  2. High school seniors (can be homeschooled) or an adult female who has been away from school for a time and now plans to attend college

Application Requirements (Application is available online):

  2. School transcript
  3. Letters of recommendation
  4. Financial details of the applicant and parents to establish financial need

Selection Criteria:

  1. Scholastic standing
  2. Financial need
  3. Contributions to the school and community
  4. Results of standardized testing.

Scholarships apply only toward tuition, are for one year only.

Scholarships are renewable

Application Requirements: Delaware Residents Only, Essay, Letter(s) of Recommendation, Transcript

Essay Details:

Essay is outlined in the application

Award Amount: Up to $8,000

Award Details:

Multiple awards are available.
Award pays for tuition only. Renewal of an award is not automatic, however you can apply each year.


Scholarship Manager Information:

Contact Name: Scholarship Chairperson
Contact Email:
Contact Phone Number: 302-428-0939
Additional Contact & Submission Information:

Application should be requested by sending an email to: and must be completed on-line using a (free) Google email account.


Eligibility: Female, Financial Need, U.S Citizen/Permanent Resident
Areas of Study: Open to All
Applicant’s Current Education Level: High School Senior, College Student
Location Specific: New Castle County


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