American Association of University Women Coastal Georgetown Branch – Standard Scholarship

Scholarship Overview: Graduating female from Sussex County attending either Cape Henlopen, Sussex Central, Indian River, Sussex Tech or Sussex Academy High School
Application Available: October 23, 2023
Deadline Date: April 8, 2024

Scholarship Details:

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Female graduating senior from one of the following high schools: Cape Henlopen, Indian River, Sussex
    Academy, Sussex Central, or Sussex Technical.
  2. Must attend a college or university next fall.

Application Requirements:

  1. Completed attached application (email for application)
  2. List or resume showing leadership roles, activities, interests, community service, and work
  3. Essay question
  4. One recommendation letter from someone other than a guidance counselor or family member
  5. Copy of transcript

Selection Criteria:

  1. GPA of 3.0 or higher
  2. Rigor of course work
  3. Community service/volunteerism, activities or employment
  4. Leadership
  5. Essay
  6. Recommendation

Application Requirements: Delaware Residents Only, Essay, Letter(s) of Recommendation, Resume, Transcript

Essay Details:

If you were starting a non-profit organization for the greater good, what would its mission be, what would you have volunteers accomplish, and be specific about how you would measure success?

Award Amount: $2,500

Award Details:

The award will be sent to the winner’s college/university.


Scholarship Manager Information:

Contact Name: Sheri Borrin
Contact Email:
Additional Contact & Submission Information:

Completed Scholarship Application Form (must be typed not handwritten; complete in Word and return in PDF format) with all required documents attached.
Email completed application to


Eligibility: Community Service, Female, Minimum GPA/Class Rank
Areas of Study: Open to All
Applicant’s Current Education Level: High School Senior
Location Specific: Sussex County


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