Regeneron Science Talent Search

Scholarship Overview: High school seniors with a great independent STEM research project
Application Available: June 1, 2024
Deadline Date: November 7, 2024

Scholarship Details:

The Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS) is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science research competition for high school seniors. Each year, around 2,000 students enter the Regeneron STS, submitting original research in critically important scientific fields of study. Unique among high school competitions, the Regeneron STS focuses on identifying, inspiring and engaging the nation’s most promising future leaders in STEM through a holistic review process focused not only on the research project, but on the whole student.

Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants must:

  1. Be in their final year of secondary school at the time of the application deadline and planning to graduate in the 2024/2025 academic year
  2. Be a student of any citizenship living and attending school in the United States, OR a U.S. citizen living abroad
  3. Have completed an independent science research project that adheres to Regeneron STS Rules

Application Requirements:

To apply, students must submit an application through the online system. The application includes:

  • Task 1: Basic Information
  • Task 2a: Project Recommendation (up to 2)
  • Task 2b: Educator Recommendation (up to 2)
  • Task 2c. High School Report (transcript request)
  • Task 3: Rules Verification and Paperwork Upload
  • Task 4: Science Research Description
  • Task 5: Research Report Upload
  • Task 6: Previous Research
  • Task 7: Essays
  • Task 8: Activities, Interests and Awards
  • Task 9: Test Scores (optional)
  • Task 10: Beyond the Project
  • Task 11: Optional Research Study
  • Task 12: Sign the Regeneron STS Ethics Statement

Entrants may view the full requirements, including eligibility guidelines, in the Rules Book on our website. The deadline for the 2025 Regeneron Science Talent Search is November 7, 2024 at 8pm ET.

Application Requirements: Essay, Letter(s) of Recommendation, Transcript

Essay Details:

See application for list of short answer and essay questions.

Award Amount: $250,000

Award Details:

Prizes are awarded at multiple levels. All entrants receive a t-shirt and one year subscription to Science News magazine. The top 300 scholars receive a $2,000 cash prize; their schools also receive $2,000 per scholar to fund additional science research in their community. 40 finalists receive a minimum of $25,000 and an all-expenses-paid Finals Week competition experience in Washington, DC. Finalists who place in the top ten receive awards ranging from $40,000 for tenth place to $250,000 for the top prize. Scholars and finalists will be announced in January 2025.


Scholarship Manager Information:

Contact Email:
Additional Contact & Submission Information:

Visit to submit an online application. Entrants must complete all required tasks and attest to an Ethics Statement within the application in order to submit.


Areas of Study: Open to All
Applicant’s Current Education Level: High School Senior
Location Specific: National


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