James A. McCarty Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Overview: Senior graduating from a Delaware public high school
Application Available: August 1, 2024
Deadline Date: April 1, 2025

Scholarship Details:

James A. McCarty Memorial Scholarship, Delaware Lions Foundation, Inc.  Applicant must demonstrate exceptional involvement in community service and good leadership skills. Applicant must also have high scholastic achievement and demonstrate financial need.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. High school senior in a Delaware public high school
  2. Exceptional community service and good leadership skills
  3. High scholastic achievement
  4. Demonstrate financial need

Application Requirements:

  1. Completed application
  2. Transcript
  3. College acceptance letter(s)
  4. FASFA (if available)
  5. Essay
  6. Two letters of recommendation from non-related adults (one must be a teacher, school counselor, or other school official)

Application Requirements: Delaware Residents Only, Essay, Letter(s) of Recommendation

Essay Details:

See application for essay

Award Amount: $1,000

Award Details:

$1,000 Scholarship to be paid to the college of award recipient’s choice. Applicant must be enrolled by September of current year in a course of study maintaining a minimum of 12 credit hours.

Website/URL: http://www.delawarelionsfoundation.org/

Scholarship Manager Information:

Contact Email: kennyv927@gmail.com
Additional Contact & Submission Information:

Online PDF Application: http://api11.team-logic.com/downloadPubFileFile.cfm?i=71&t=6&f=20065
All documents must be postmarked by April 1st to:
Delaware Lions’ Foundation, Inc.
Scholarship Selection Committee
P.0. Box 393
Camden, DE 19934

Additional Scholarship Information:



Eligibility: Community Service, Financial Need
Areas of Study: Open to All
Applicant’s Current Education Level: High School Senior
Location Specific: Delaware


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