Delaware Afro American Sports Hall of Fame

Scholarship Overview: Graduating senior athlete of a Delaware high school who will be attending an accredited college/university in fall 2025
Application Available: September 1, 2024
Deadline Date: March 7, 2025

Scholarship Details:

The Delaware Afro American Sports Hall of Fame, Inc., has six $1,000 scholarships (two per county) to award to graduating seniors for this year who will be attending an accredited College/University in fall 2025.

Senior must have participated in high school sports for a minimum of two years.

The following information must accompany each application:

  • Have at least a 3.00 GPA
  • Latest Transcript/SAT scores
  • Letter of acceptance
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Biographic sketch with any unusual family circumstances or information which they feel is vital in helping us make a decision.

Application Requirements: Delaware Residents Only, Letter(s) of Recommendation, Minimum GPA, SAT/ACT Score Report, Transcript

Award Amount: $1,000

Award Details:

Two scholarships per county (Sussex-Kent- New Castle)
Award: $1,000, two scholarships per county to graduating seniors


Scholarship Manager Information:

Contact Name: Howard E. Smack Sr.
Contact Email:
Contact Phone Number: 302-236-4645
Additional Contact & Submission Information:

Complete attached application (attached here or available at the scholarship website/URL
Completed applications should be returned by March 7, 2025, to:

Email to:


Eligibility: Female, Financial Need, Male, Minimum GPA/Class Rank
Areas of Study: Open to All
Applicant’s Current Education Level: High School Senior
Location Specific: Kent County, New Castle County, Sussex County, Delaware


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