Donald & Nancy Edwards Scholarship

Scholarship Overview: High School Junior participating in the Upward Bound program through UD or DelTech.
Application Available: September 15, 2024
Deadline Date: October 31, 2024

Scholarship Details:

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. A High School Junior participating in the Upward Bound program through UD or DelTech. (must be graduating high school in Spring, 2025)
  2. Recommended by an Upward Bound counselor
  3. Have a current GPA of 2.5 or above

Application Requirements:

  1. Completed online application
  2. Essay questions
  3. High school transcript
  4. 1 Recommender (not a family member)

Application Requirements: Delaware Residents Only, Essay, Letter(s) of Recommendation, Minimum GPA

Essay Details:

Essay Questions:
1. Tell us about something you have worked hard to accomplish—what obstacles did you have to overcome? How did you face these challenges? Did you meet your own expectations? Why or why not?
2. Knowing that college will provide you with challenges different from high school, identify one major challenge that you expect to face. Tell us how you will prepare to meet that challenge–what personal resources will you bring to it? Please use what you learned in Upward Bound to tell us how this program helped you prepare for college and those challenges ahead.
3. You are unique. What is it about you that will make you successful in college? Tell us about your strengths as a person and as a student that will help you meet the challenges you will face.
4. Your application is one of many that we receive from qualified candidates. What makes you the BEST candidate? What is it about you (who you are, what you have done, your dreams for the future) that sets you apart?

Award Amount: $24,000

Award Details:

Award is up to $6,000 per year and is renewable for a total of four years, starting with the 2025-2026 school year.


Scholarship Manager Information:

Contact Name: Kelly Sheridan
Contact Email:
Contact Phone Number: 302-856-4393

Additional Scholarship Information:

Delaware Community Foundation
36 The Circle
Georgetown, DE 19947


Eligibility: Financial Need, Nomination Required
Areas of Study: Open to All
Applicant’s Current Education Level: High School Student (9-11), Workforce
Location Specific: Delaware


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